Delivery Method

Delivery Method

All courses will be interactive and activity based on group work giving participants the opportunity to further enhance and deepen their knowledge and understanding.

A combination of media and teaching will be used to bring these important concepts to life.

The training course is delivered by myself in either face to face or online via Zoom formats in order to cater to you and your businesses location and needs.

Face to face if you are within the central belt of Scotland. This will be a one day course lasting six hours with an additional hour required for lunch. Room bookings should then be arranged for a whole day. A room which is fully accessible in terms of space and suitable IT infrastructure must be provided. Number of participants per course can be discussed by contacting me.

Delivery will be undertaken via Zoom elsewhere in Scotland and the rest of the UK in order to make this important course accessible for businesses that lie in these geographical locations. Course content will be exactly the same as the face to face content, it will just be delivered in a format consisting of two sessions of three hours including a 15 minute break.

Further individual customisation can be discussed at time of booking to further suit and accommodate your personal needs. Number of participants per course can also be discussed during booking for both delivery options

All courses will be interactive and activity based on group work giving participants the opportunity to further enhance and deepen their knowledge and understanding.

A combination of media and teaching will be used to bring these important concepts to life.

The training course is delivered by myself in either face to face or online via Zoom formats in order to cater to you and your businesses location and needs.

Face to face if you are within the central belt of Scotland. This will be a one day course lasting six hours with an additional hour required for lunch. Room bookings should then be arranged for a whole day. A room which is fully accessible in terms of space and suitable IT infrastructure must be provided. Number of participants per course can be discussed by contacting me.

Delivery will be undertaken via Zoom elsewhere in Scotland and the rest of the UK in order to make this important course accessible for businesses that lie in these geographical locations. Course content will be exactly the same as the face to face content, it will just be delivered in a format consisting of two sessions of three hours including a 15 minute break.

Further individual customisation can be discussed at time of booking to further suit and accommodate your personal needs. Number of participants per course can also be discussed during booking for both delivery options

For further information on course prices please contact either by :

to book your free consultation.

For further information on course prices please contact either by :

to book your free consultation.